Jan 022012

Well, the start of the new year didn’t exactly turn out like we had planned.

I was all set to regale you with tales of our adventures to Rick’s home town to be with his family for New Year’s Day (which was supposed to be a Christmas get-together… we combine holidays around here, easier to get family together), but this time of year you have to keep your eye on the weather channel for any chance of snow.

And snow it did.  Mother Nature and Old Man Winter got together and blew our plans to smithereens.  The first wave of the white stuff fell over night and accumulated 4+ inches on the ground, enough for Rick to pull out the snowblower.  Early afternoon brought another couple inches.  Enter snowblower workout #2.

I have a feeling that Rick is going to start cursing the snow by the end of the month (along with the rest of the state of Wisconsin).

We did, however, still get to spend some time with his family through the wonderful technology of the interwebs and a little video program called Skype.  We were able to visit with them without having to white-knuckle it 4 hours each way, worry about getting home before it got dark (a driving phobia of mine… it involves deer) and not spend a dime on gas.  Isn’t technology wonderful?

There was a turkey dinner, homemade hooch and cherry bombs, and lots of laughter.  They even invited us to join in their card game.  I’m not exactly sure how that would have worked over the internet, but we had fun speculating on it.

I truly wish that we could have made the trip, but as they say, weather happens.


  2 Responses to “New Year, New Snow”

Comments (2)
  1. You sure had a great time. I’m visiting from Cyber Connect, following your blog via GFC, and i look forward being part of your blog..

  2. As Ma Bell used to say “It’s the next best thing to being there”. Thanks for stopping by, MayMay!

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