Apr 302011

It’s a blustery, rainy day in the Northwoods.

But I’m grateful that it is rain and not “S”.

I will be waiting for the May flowers to start showing up soon.

  5 Responses to “April Showers”

Comments (5)
  1. ‘Twas very blustery and gusty and rainy here in the Midwoods lol Our canopy had so much twine holding the legs to various objects it wasn’t funny. Well, it was, but that’s beside the point lol

  2. You know your a redneck when there is more twine than canopy ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. It was windy here, as well, but at least I got my asparagus ferns got outside for a bit in the nice weather before it turned nasty. Thank you, Mommy, for finally having my genes activate the “green thumb!!!” ๐Ÿ˜‰ <3

  4. I always knew you had it in ya!

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