Jan 182012

Well, not just the one from Sesame Street (although he tops my list), but another one that left me something special yesterday.

The day started out with me on a mission:  Get the fricken 1098-T’s to work on our accounting system.  The person who previously had the wonderful task of doing this was an Excel wiz, so she swirled the information into that program, did whatever voodoo she did and imported the information into a template that she (of course) created in Excel that would print on the forms.


Yeah, you have to actually see the file because it gave me a panic attack when I looked at it.  I’m good at Excel, but not that good.

Anywho, after spending an hour getting the program to generate the information onto the forms and coming down from another panic attack of how to electronically file them, I proudly announced to my co-workers that I had achieved success and that I deserved a cookie for it.

With my heartbeat starting to return to a normal pace and the coffee that I slammed 2 hours earlier wanting to make an exit, I left my office to use the restroom and clear my head for a few minutes.

When I returned, I found this on my desk:

Attached to this was a post-it note that read “You deserve a cookie.  From:  The Cookie Monster.”   My mind immediately went back to my college days in the ’80s when I would sit in the student center and munch on these while I did my homework.

The Cookie Monster in this case was a new colleague in the office that I already adored, but now she has upped that level to absolutely love!

I savored those cookies for the next hour, completely forgetting that I hadn’t even had my breakfast yet!

Hmmm, that sounds just like my college days.


  4 Responses to “I Love the Cookie Monster”

Comments (4)
  1. Oh, they were goooooood….

  2. Mmmmm… cookies! Yes, you deserve a cookie (or two) for all of that hard work 🙂

  3. Maybe I should have asked for money… 😉

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