Oct 302011

It started off as a very promising day.  One filled with accomplishment.  With the unusual warmth of October and bright blue sky, it was hard to fight the urge to run outdoors and complete some last minute fall cleanup.

For this particular day, the mission was to remove the 5 tons of leaves that had carpeted the property.  With his handy leaf blower, Rick started on the smallest area of the property just behind the house.  After 10 minutes, the back door opens and a frustrated voice asks if a circuit had been tripped.  Looking over all the breakers and discovering nothing amiss, I went back to my chores in the kitchen only to discover that the electrical problem had invaded some of the appliances, a few of which were quite important to day-to-day living, like the refrigerator.  And the dishwasher.  And the coffee maker.

Being that it was a Saturday and not having an electrician as a BFF, we moved appliances to other outlets and ran an extension cord to keep precious food from spoiling.

Perplexed but unable to do anything until Monday, leaf blowing commenced, with fingers crossed that there would be no more interruptions of the electrical variety.

Only when the day was starting to wind down did we discover that one other part of the kitchen had become electrically incapacitated.

The beautiful light fixture over the kitchen table was somehow rigged up to the faulty wiring on the other side of the kitchen.

Of course this makes perfect sense.  Aren’t all homes wired in some random order that when you flip a switch in the bathroom the dishwasher starts?  No?  Hmmm, must just be us.

After 2 weeks of dealing with a slightly disorganized kitchen (which is not good for someone with a slight case of OCD), the electrician was able to diagnose the problem and voila, we were back to normal.

No more extension cords scattered across the counter or washing dishes by hand.  The coffee maker was tucked back safe and sound in its little area by the toaster.

All is right with the world.

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