Jan 252011

Finally took a mental holiday this past weekend.  With school  back in session (not just where I work, but my own personal studies as well), things have gotten pretty hectic and in turn I have been a little ornery.  I’m not the kind of person that takes things out on others, but unfortunately that is what happened last Thursday, and I decided enough was enough.  Of course I apologized to said person for my actions, and got out particular things that were bothering me and how I got “set off”, and all was right with the world.

However, not all was right with how I felt about it, and I promised myself that I needed to get my attitude in check.  Since we had Friday off of work, I decided to finish my homework for the next week, which took all day.  This left me with the weekend to do something that I don’t have a lot of time while I am taking online classes:  I spent it reading.

I just love the mental vacation that comes from being able to escape into a good book!  So much so, I read 2!!  I’ve really gotten into “indy” authors lately, and they are a very inexpensive way to read books on the Kindle that my wonderful husband got me.  Some of these authors have a great writing style (well, at least to me), and I can go through their books in a little over a day.

Moral of the story:  When life seems to be too much and the world won’t stop to let you off, grab a book and escape from your reality for a while.  I know it helped me!!

  One Response to “Mental Holiday”

Comments (1)
  1. I completely agree, Mama!!! <3

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