Apr 102012

For 5 hours this past weekend, I had the whole fam damily at the house.  And in honor of this special occasion, someone* had the bright idea to assemble everyone for a family picture.

In a way it’s kinda like herding cats.  They are spread out all over the homestead and trying to corral them is a great test of patience.

The little ones are all excited until they find out they have to a) stand still; b) smile; c) act like human beings.  Then you add to the mix the parents of the young ones who drag themselves over to the “staging area” like it is a death march and hope you can elicit a sincere smile out of them in the next 5 minutes.

The biggest troublemaker of them all is Rick.  He loves to stand behind me when I’m taking pictures and make funny faces so that the grandkids will get all giggly and silly.

After an eternity of 10 minutes, I prayed that there was a decent photo that didn’t look like a mixture of The Simpsons & The Bundys.

I’m actually pleased with the result.  Think they’ll be game to doing this every Easter?

Yeah, I didn’t think so either.


* This may or may not have been me.

  15 Responses to “Smile… Or Else!”

Comments (15)
  1. I think the pictures turned out very good! It was a funny procession, truth be told, but worth it in the end.

    Oh, and you weren’t the only one game for a picture 🙂

  2. Yes, they did turn out pretty good. We’ll get them to do it again 😉

  3. Great picture, Sandy!!! What a nice looking family!

  4. Great pic! You must be so proud of your bunch!

  5. They do give me lots of reasons to love them!

  6. Just keeping up the good looks of the Larson clan, Dee 😉

  7. Their creepy and their kooky
    Mysterious and spooky
    Their altogether ooky
    The Rooney Family!

    Their house is a museum
    Where people come to see em
    They really are a scream
    The Rooney Family!

    dadadadum snap snap
    dadadadum snap snap
    dadadadum snap snap

    Okay the truth be told I wuv you!!

  8. LOL, good one Patty! I like it. We wuv u 2!

  9. Oh Patty, you always make me laugh!

    Wots of wuv to you too!!

  10. Sometimes I have to just go with the crazy humor that surfaces now and then, I really hope no one was offended with the innocent play of life on this wonderful stage we grace….

    Love you all,

  11. Besides if you want to see one crazy family……I can bless you with a story or two….

  12. I LOVE your crazy humor!!

  13. Would you like to guest write for the blog? (strong nudge for you to say yes!)

  14. Good picture, Sandy. Gee, you all LOOK normal! Cool idea to do this every Easter. Fun to look back on all the years. Go for it.

  15. Thanks Laurie! If we can get everyone together once a year, it will become an annual event I think.

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