Oct 242012

I know that normally I give my “updates” on the shed on Monday, but since it was my Mama’s birthday, she took priority.

Which goes without saying.

But I had to say it.

Anywho, the “fine tuning“, as I like to call it, is where the crew is at now.  Those little facets of building that have to be tackled before other things, like shingling and siding, can be done.

This weekend was all about soffits.

And believe me when I say it is slow and meticulous work.  Not that I personally have to do the work (duh) but just to get 3 sides of the shed done took 5  hours.  Then they ran out of material.

Ever notice all the “butt shots” there are when you are trying to photograph carpenters?

No?  Maybe it’s just me.

Once again I’m glad that I didn’t have to get up on the ladder to help.  Willard has been a tremendous help the last few weeks.  It probably doesn’t hurt that I feed him too.

And while the guys were doing the “manly stuff“, I was being all domestic-like in the kitchen trying out a new recipe for Cinnamon Rolls.

These are supposed to be “Cinnabon” quality, but frankly I really didn’t care for the recipe.  They were tasty and all, but for me they were too dense.  I like a cinnamon roll that isn’t going to feel like I ate a 3,000 calorie sugar laden pastry.

Rick, on the other hand, loved them.

Which, really, is all that mattered.


  2 Responses to “Soffits and Cinnamon Rolls”

Comments (2)
  1. Indeed. Dad’s lovin is all that matters!!!! 🙂

  2. And it’s all gone 🙂

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