Do you know what that is?
Nope, it’s not something the cat horked up.
It’s not something I stepped in.
Not a cast of a deformed tongue either. *eww*
It’s a little something that can happen when plastic lids fall off the top shelf of the dishwasher and land on the volcano hot heating element in the dishwasher.
To be specific, my coffee cup lid.
To be more specific, my super-duper-made-from-recycled-materials-travel-mug-that-I-absolutely-loved.
And the stink it made? P U !!!
You know, with all the technology that they have put into appliances these days, you’d think they’d have one that would alert people that something has fallen and is about to ruined and stink up the house in the processes.
Oh, and force me to dish out $16 on a new travel mug. That isn’t made from recycled material *cry* .
And no, the lid will never go in the dishwasher. That smell is ingrained in my mind for quite some time now.
2 Responses to “There Should Alerts For Stuff Like This”
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Awe, that sucks! And I’m sure it stunk to high heaven!!
Oh gawds, did it ever!