On this day back in 1982, life became a little more….. challenging for me. I should have seen the signs, but I was too much in love to notice.
You see, it was the day that I gave birth to my first daughter. Before she even entered this world she was proving that she was going to live life by her rules.
Example? She had decided that she didn’t like her original due date (and probably thought that kicking Mommy in the bladder was extremely fun), so she extended play time an extra week.
But when that day arrived, it was more fun to make Mommy act out multiple Linda Blair scenes from The Exorcist and wait until 6 minutes before midnight to bless me with her presence.
From then on, the words of my own Mother rang in my head: “I hope that you have one just like you some day.”
Thanks Mom.
Now don’t get me wrong, the kid has enough beautiful, loving and remarkable things about her that more than outweigh any exasperting-gray-hair-forming-throw-my-hands-in-the-air choices that she has made. (Yes, she is a lot like me Mom so quit your laughing.)
And I do do do do do love her more than life itself.
Now Christine, you know that I would never forget your birthday, and I had your card bought and in the mail with plenty of time for you to receive it way before your birthday.
But then the mail came yesterday and they sent it back for insufficient postage. Dammit!
So it’s gonna be a couple more days til it arrives, but I still wanted to give you a little something to tide you over until then:
Happy 29 + 1 Birthday Christine!
Love, Mom & Dad
4 Responses to “29 + 1”
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Lol Thanks Mom! No worries about the card, and the video was great! Love you and Dad!
Thought you might like it 🙂
Love you too!
Happy Birthday Christine!
How old are you now? 35? or 36? I just can’t remember!
Happy birthday Chris! Hope you had a great day.