Oct 102012

Last week the mail delivered 2 presents to the homestead.

The first was a box I received from Christine.  I thought it might be an early, early birthday present, so I didn’t open it right away.  When I talked to her on her Birthday, I mentioned the box and she was all “No, that was something I got you in Colorado and I just now got around to sending it.”

*Insert image of me ripping open box 10 minutes later*

Inside was a little note and

a little kitty made out of desert Ironwood.  Beautiful!  I couldn’t get over how detailed this little furbaby was.  What a wonderful way to brighten up my day!

A few days later, a large envelope was deposited in the mailbox.  This time it was from Nichole.

School picture time!  I can’t believe how big my grandbabies are getting.  I love how the photography company is being a little more imaginative with how they set up their shots (these kids look like models! ).

Thanks girls for bringing a smile to your sickly Momma.  It was the best medicine I could have gotten!


  4 Responses to “Mail Call”

Comments (4)
  1. Super glad you liked the kitty…when I read the card that came with it, I KNEW it was MADE for you! 🙂 And I LOVE the pics of the kids as well! I gave Erik the envelope and told him to open it, and he asked what it was, and I told him they were pics of his nieces and nephews…and he said, “Holy crap! They’ve gotten so big!!!” I need to find a picture frame (and I’ve been hunting for a while now) that will hold 6 photos. So hard! <3 ya Mama and hope you're feeling much better!

  2. Such a cute kitty! It’s real purrrrrty 🙂

    You’re welcome on the pictures! I know, they turned out REALLY well this year we’re pretty pleased. Oh, and ya wanna talk about how big they’re getting? Kayla’s got her first loose tooth 🙁 She’s too young for that, at least that’s what I tell myself (I think Lex lost her first one in Kindergarten…)

  3. It was definitely made for me 🙂 And yes, starting to feel better… thank gawd!

  4. Another milestone! The Tooth Fairy must keep busy at your house 😉

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