I had it all planned: after we got done voting, I would come home and feed Calie and head to the farm for some heavy duty weeding.
It was beautiful out. Sunny skies, a slight breeze and temps in the mid-70s.
And then I heard the thunder.
Off to the computer to see what the radar had to say about the situation. Meh, it didn’t look bad… a small thundercloud moving our way. It will be past us in 15 minutes, you say? Cool beans… I’m outta here!
Yep, I can see that blue glimmer of hope in the sky. A few raindrops ain’t gonna be enough to muss things up to where it will be a mud pit.
OK, it’s just down this road. I can’t wait to say hi to the ducks today. I wonder if they missed me.
And as I pull into the driveway my heart sinks.
The gate is locked. WTF??? How could they do this to me? Didn’t they know that I had been planning this for the last 24 hours? My whole existence was counting on getting down and dirty with those nasty weeds that were threatening to choke out the beautiful rays of sunshine my plants needed!
I had my gloves, trowels, rakes and bucket all nestled in the back of the car, ready to go to work.
Someone’s got some ‘splainin’ to do…
One Response to “A Reprieve for the Weeds”
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We’ve had some crazy weather too! New follower from the 99 hop 🙂
Life with our Family~sandyrooney~sandyrooney~sandyrooney~sandyrooneya>