Jul 102013

In between weeding, cleaning, lounging, vacuum breakdowns and marathon book sessions during my week off, I had a nice surprise:  Nichole ventured North to spend a little quality time with her Mom and Pops.


Isn’t she just a cutie?

We always have fun when she comes up.  Lots of late night bull-sessions, talking about everything and anything.

We also tried out a couple of recipes that I wanted to make, but us womenfolk can only stay in the kitchen so long.

So I decided to take her to the college farm and show off all the good things that were going on around there.

The farm manager, Todd, was sweating his backside off when we arrived so he decided to take a break and give us a mini-tour.


Which I just knew would start with his pride and joy.  He started raising chickens a couple years ago and has really increased the size and diversity (there are even 4 ducks, which I just love).


It just so happened that we got to meet the new arrivals.


These little turkeys love this guy!


And Nichole even got to pet one!

We also got a tour of all the new hoop houses and blueberry plants that he put in this year.  The farm also received some ancient squash plants that are doing very well.


As opposed to mine, which are growing very slowly.  (I’ve never seen a foot photobomb before, have you?)

But, there’s still a couple months of summer left, so I’m hoping for the best!


  2 Responses to “Fine Feathered Friends”

Comments (2)
  1. I had a great time!

  2. Me too 🙂

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