When Rick wants something, he is relentless. He will go on and on about it until he gets his way.
This time around, it was a new vehicle. And you would guess that the vehicle would be for him and I would be all for it. Well, you are right on one part of that: I would be all for it.
But he didn’t want the vehicle for him, he wanted it for me. Now, we have only had our little blue Chevy Aveo’s for 4 years, and mine was starting to grow on me. Granted, I’m not a fan of driving small cars because I have this paranoia of being hit/run over/pushed off the road by anything bigger than me, but we were getting along just fine, and the only threat that I had with it were deer hitting me.
So after 2 months of pestering/hinting/sending car links to me, I finally threw in the towel and looked for something that I would possibly like. Easy, right? Bwahahahaha! It’s like walking into a store and finding that perfect sweater/pair of jeans/purse when you are not looking for it, but when you really want it you find bupkis! Ladies, you know what I mean, right?
When I finally let the cat out of the bag to Rick that I found something I liked, he immediately called the dealership and made an offer. And in my husband’s normal fashion of buying anything for me, it was anything but the basic model. Oh no, it had all the bells and whistles (and some extra ones that we didn’t discover until later).
The newest addition to our family is a 2012 KIA Sportage. Not a huge vehicle, but something that gets me a little higher off the ground so that I feel a little less invisible.
And, I love it! LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!
Back-up camera, 2 sunroofs, a voice command system that will make phone calls and change the radio station, heated seats and much more. Heck, the glove box even doubles as a cooler to keep drinks cold!
My little blue car has found a new driver with Rick. He traded his twin in on the Sportage, and being the savvy wheeler dealer that he is, got the price he wanted.
Like I said, when he wants something, he gets it.
14 Responses to “I Threw in the Towel”
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Awesome!!!! Looks nice, Mom!
Gonna take some getting used to, but I think I’ll adjust 😉
Our KIA’s can call each other.
Yes, but yours never answers 😉
So purty! I love it Mama, you so deserve it!
Beautiful car!! All the bells and whistles sound so much fun.
Not quite sure about the deserve part, but I sure am lovin’ it!
OMG, there are so many neat features that I call Rick every time I discover a new one!
Gotta love butt warmers, especially up there. Good for you. Congratulations!!
And my tuckus is lovin’ it!
Nice looking car. We’re happy for you
Thanks Georgia! Can’t wait for you to see it.
Congrats on the new wheels Sandy, you are a lucky lady!! And yes, those butt warmers- until you have a car that has them, you dont know what you would do without them…..nice on achy lower backs too! Enjoy the new cars, and the bells and whistles too!!
Dealing with a sore back for the past 2 weeks, the seat warmers are a dream!!