May 252011

I’ve been playing with my camera a lot lately.

Trying to figure out how my daughter Nichole is able to get such fabulous “up-close” shots of plants.

So while trying out this new found feature, I see some things that I normally wouldn’t.

And I’m usually surprised at the detail when I put it up on my computer monitor.

Now how long do you figure it too that tiny worm to reach the center of this plant in my garden?

What’s his story?

Will he transform into a beautiful (albeit tiny) butterfly?

Call me a nerd, but things like this just boggle my mind.


OFF TOPIC:  Tomorrow is the last day of work for a coworker in my office.

I’m going to miss her.

A lot.

So my colleagues and I will be taking her out for a couple drinks after work, and I may not have a post tomorrow.

But I’m taking my camera so I hope to get some fun pics of the “social hour.”

This could be fun…

  5 Responses to “I’m Ready For My Close-up, Mr. DeMille”

Comments (5)
  1. Whoa, wonderful detail! That’s a cool looking tiny worm, and I mean TINY! What plant was it on?

  2. One of my perennials. Not sure what the name of it is… maybe someone can comment and tell us…

  3. Very pretty, and sorry to hear about one of your colleagues leaving, Mom!

  4. Hi Sandy! I don’t know if any of my lumberjack friends have been up to WI. I’m sure they have, but sadly – I have not. Someday I plan on making more of the rounds and hope to go chop more states. I love that little worm – his possible story is intriguing 🙂 ~Megan

  5. If you’re ever up in these neck of the woods, give me a holler!

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