It was a beautiful Fall weekend in the Northwoods. Just a week ago there was only a smattering of color change in the foliage, but cooler temperatures changed that really quick.
Since my assistance was not needed on the building of the shed on Saturday, I took the opportunity to capture the colors that Mother Nature was painting all around me.
And I must say, she is doing a mighty fine job.
Soon the lawn will be carpeted in a blanket of yellow, orange and red leaves that will crinkle under your footsteps (and elicit grumbling from Rick on cleaning it all up).
One thing that I really love about this time of year (besides the beautiful trees) is the sweet scent that surrounds me as I walk amongst the trees.
It’s as if I’m enveloped in one giant bouquet.
Despite the light frosts that cover the ground in the early morning hours, there are still a few wildflowers that refuse to give in to hibernation.
It’s as if they are shaking their proverbial fists at Fall and won’t go down without a fight, using every ounce of energy in these last few days of warmth to produce offspring.
Although I know that it’s only a matter of time before that fluffy white stuff arrives, I’m going to keep my thoughts positive and remember that spring is only 6 short months away.
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