Jun 032013

It’s June, right?

I mean, my calendar is turned to the month of June but knowing my scatterbrain lately, I could be jumping the gun.

My reason for looking for confirmation is that last night we had frost warnings in the Northwoods.

Frost?  June?

No, it’s not unheard of but it’s still a punch in the gut to all of us up here who have endured the looooong Winter and have been dreaming of sunny, warm days where we can pack away our long johns, pull on T-shirts and giggle as we run through the grass in bare feet.

Or maybe that’s just me.

So as the sun dropped behind the trees last night I pulled out some sheets and headed out to the garden to cover up as much of my plants as I could.  I also prayed for a little cloud cover, a slight breeze and no frost.


I’m not sure if any of those prayers got answered but my plants made it through the night unscathed.


I was even tickled pink to discover some of the larger plants have developed tendrils to hold onto the cages and help the plants grow “up” since there isn’t enough room for them to spread out on the ground.

The week ahead is going to be another cool one, so I’ll have to keep those sheets handy just in case another threat presents itself.


  3 Responses to “The Weather Doesn’t Care What Month It Is”

Comments (3)
  1. Enjoy your garden Sandy…..love that you planted so many cucumber plants!

  2. I’ll save a jar of pickles for you!

  3. Lookin GREAT Mommy!

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