As you’ve noticed this week, I’ve been a little absent from the blogging world. I have no excuse other than I really haven’t had a whole lot going on to put down in words.
Plus, I’m being lazy, with a touch of writer’s block.
It’s still unseasonably warm in the Northwoods but all of that is going to change come Friday, when Old Man Winter makes a little visit to let us know that he hasn’t forgotten what time of year is and will drop the temperatures into the 20’s and 30’s for daytime highs, along with some of the flaky white stuff just for good measure.
Which is fine with me because all of this brown, drab landscape that I’m looking at every day is rather boring, which probably adds to my blah attitude as of late.
At least any inclimate weather will hold off until after the Thanksgiving holiday in which Rick & I will be traveling south to see Nichole and Corey and the munchkins for the day to enjoy her wonderful cooking and get our fill of hugs and kisses to tide us over until we see them again at Christmas.
And speaking of Christmas, I’m already sick of the pre-Black Friday crap being thrown at me every time I turn on my TV or go on the interwebs. If they actually think that I’m going to be at a store at Midnight on Friday to battle crazy people for their so-called “deals”, they are sadly mistaken.
I have, however, considered going Thursday night… I’m so ashamed of myself.
4 Responses to “This, That and Some Other Stuff”
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We can’t wait to see you guys today! And I’m sick of the Black Friday crud too, it’ll be gone tomorrow lol
Happy Turkey Day! Give lovins all around to the family for us!
Backatcha sweetheart! Lotsa lovin’ to Brayden from us!
It was a wonderful day!