I awoke Sunday morning to find that we actually got what the forecasters were predicting:
Snow. 4 inches of the white stuff. (Do not adjust your screen, it really was that dark and dismal out.)
One thing that I really love about snow in the Northwoods is the beautiful picture it paints on trees, especially the pines that we have dotting the homestead.
Those millions of snowflakes weave their way amongst the needles and give them a great big hug!
And as we (those of us that are familiar with snow) know, with the wonderful blanket of snow on the trees and lawns, there is also snow on the roads. And, people up in these here parts have to learn how to drive all over again in the slippery stuff.
Yours truly is no exception, as I reminded myself as I traveled the hour to the dentist this morning to relinquish my top dentures for their final fitting.
Let’s just say the ride was… interesting. Not exactly white-knuckle scary, but takeitslowandwatchforicyspots type of conditions.
I am happy to say the trip was uneventful, and I will be making it again on Wednesday to welcome my newly fitted teeth back to their proper place in my mouth.
Which will be followed by tearing into any solid food I can get my hands on.
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