Mar 112012

Our house in Martell has stood empty now for 2 years.  We had tried a real estate agent and had no luck.  We tried to sell it privately, and it was still a bust.

Last weekend, Rick decided to pull out the big guns and list it on Craigslist.

So on a very beautiful Saturday, we headed south to meet with Donna.  She was a very lovely person who was easy to talk to about the history of the house and what we had envisioned for it when we purchased it 20 years ago.

I love this house.  It was so hard for me to finally come to the decision that it had to be lived in and I was not going to be the one doing that anymore.

Yes, we have not lived in it for over 10 years, but it was still a part of me.  Our daughter Nichole rented it from us until she moved 2 years ago, so in a way I still felt that I had a connection to it.  2 years without someone in there was like watching it slowly die.  It needed human contact on a constant basis.

It has such a wonderful old charm to it that you just don’t find today.  Whenever we did any work on it, we made sure to keep the original character that we fell in love with.  And I was always hoping that the right person would come along that saw all the possibilities that this house held.

I have to say that I was a little worried that the potential buyer would see the pictures that Donna took and not see what we did.  Yes, there is a lot of work that needs to be done on the inside of the house that we did not get to when we lived there, but in a way that was a blank canvas with which someone could bring the house back to life with.

It turns out that there was no need for worry.  The buyer loves the house and wants to get in there as soon as possible and begin the process of remodeling it with the same visions that we had so many years ago.

When my grandson sat next to me on the front steps yesterday and told me that he never wanted to leave this house, I almost started crying.  I sat there and thought about how my daughters had grown up in that house and all the wonderful memories that it held for them.  Seeing the grandkids running around the yard and playing in the puddles took me back in time to when my little girls did the same thing.

I hope that in the years to come, there will be more little ones that can run through the house, play in the puddles and catch crayfish in the stream down the road.  That is what keeps the house alive.

At least I still have my memories, and I’m not letting them go without a fight.


  3 Responses to “We Have a Winner”

Comments (3)
  1. *sniff* My memories won’t be going anywhere either. Wow…

  2. They’re all good 🙂

  3. Agreed

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