Friday brought a nice surprise in the mail.
We got our passports.
I don’t think I have seen Rick so happy over something in all our years together!
Of course, the first place that we will be using this is when we go to Canada to visit our friend Patty. She wants us to wait until the snow is gone so we can see all the beauty that her area has to offer. I think that’s a good idea, considering this time of year is very unpredictable when it comes to snow.
Where to go after that? Rick & I each have ideas of places that we’ve always wanted to travel to. Europe? Norway? St. Thomas?
Yes, we can start dreaming now. And when we have fulfilled some current obligations, we can make those dreams come true.
One Response to “World Traveler?”
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So excited for you!!! Something I should get set on doing. Gotta find out if Erik’s passport is still valid and I need to get mine… I can’t believe I’m getting married 6 months from today! EEEEEEK! 😉