Jan 162013

Sad day on the homestead today.ย  Our beloved cat Calie fought the good fight, but her little body could no longer battle against the CRF that has plagued her all these years.

She has been laid to rest on our property amongst the oak and maple trees which she loved to look at from her many perches around the house.


RIP Calie.

1992 – 2013

  12 Responses to “You Will Be Missed”

Comments (12)
  1. Big Warm Hug for you from me……Sandy and Calie…..life is so precious….love you Sandy….love you!

  2. I needed that hug… love you too Patty.

  3. “Lit” a candle for Pooter. She has lots of friends up there to play with! <3 and will miss the girly! <3 to you, Dad, and Thor!!! <3

  4. The candle was very sweet. Yes, she gets to be reunited with Natasha and Tipper ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. RIP Cal-fid. You will be missed dearly.

  6. And she is.

  7. Oh, Sandy, I am so very sorry. She was a fighter, though, and lived to be a good age, although no mnatter how old the loved one is, it’s still too soon. I know how much you are hurting right now, and send you so much love, and great big huggies, to comfort you. She is running and jumping and playing again with all the others who have gone before, and she waits for you there, at the Rainbow Bridge.

  8. Thank you so much Laurie. Calie lived a long life filled with love, and she is no longer in pain. Maybe she’s jumping on my Mom’s lap just to piss her off… that would be her style ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. And the Flashycat!!! ^-^

  10. Agreed, Momma! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  11. Rest in๏ปฟ peace, dear sweet Calie. We’re so glad we met you. For every kitty life passing over the Rainbow Bridge, a new star appears in the night sky. We’ll look for Calie’s star tonight, shining across the universe.

    Peace, Love, and Purrs…
    Tony & Cranberry

  12. I’m going to look for that star too. Love to you and Tony =^.^=

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